Added io errors to add_entry.

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Baskin 2022-12-18 11:12:58 -05:00
parent 83e3b2ef9e
commit 3e203b40c0
1 changed files with 43 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -66,19 +66,24 @@ impl MoreThanText {
async fn add_entry(&self, entry: CacheEntry) -> String {
async fn add_entry(&self, entry: CacheEntry) -> Result<String, DBError> {
let mut id: String = "".to_string();
let mut dup = true;
while dup {
id = thread_rng().sample_iter(&Alphanumeric).take(32).collect();
dup = Path::new(&self.dir).join(&id).as_path().exists().await;
write(Path::new(&self.dir).join(&id), entry.to_bytes())
match write(Path::new(&self.dir).join(&id), entry.to_bytes()).await {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(err) => {
let mut error = DBError::new("data write");
return Err(error);
let mut cache = self.cache.lock().await;
cache.insert(id.clone(), entry);
return id;
async fn get_entry(&self, id: &str) -> Result<CacheEntry, DBError> {
@ -103,6 +108,7 @@ impl MoreThanText {
mod setup {
use super::*;
use async_std::fs::remove_dir_all;
use tempfile::{tempdir, TempDir};
pub struct MTT {
@ -118,6 +124,10 @@ mod setup {
Self { db: db, dir: dir }
pub async fn create_io_error(&self) {
@ -151,11 +161,14 @@ mod init {
async fn bad_data_dir() {
let msg = "could not create directory";
match MoreThanText::new("kljsdgfhslkfrh").await {
Ok(_) => assert!(false, "This test should fail to create a data directory"),
Err(err) => {
assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "failed to create data directory");
assert!(err.source().is_some(), "Must include the source error.");
let err_msg = err.source().unwrap().to_string();
assert!(err_msg.contains(msg), "'{}' not in '{}'", msg, err_msg);
@ -165,14 +178,15 @@ mod init {
mod cache {
use super::*;
use setup::MTT;
use std::error::Error;
async fn entry_ids_are_random() {
let mtt = MTT::new().await;
let data1 = CacheEntry::Raw("one".to_string());
let data2 = CacheEntry::Raw("two".to_string());
let id1 = mtt.db.add_entry(data1).await;
let id2 = mtt.db.add_entry(data2).await;
let id1 = mtt.db.add_entry(data1).await.unwrap();
let id2 = mtt.db.add_entry(data2).await.unwrap();
assert_ne!(id1, id2, "Ids should be unique.")
@ -181,7 +195,7 @@ mod cache {
let mtt = MTT::new().await;
let data = "something";
let expected = CacheEntry::Raw(data.to_string());
let id = mtt.db.add_entry(expected.clone()).await;
let id = mtt.db.add_entry(expected.clone()).await.unwrap();
let output = mtt.db.get_entry(&id).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(output.to_string(), data);
let dfile = mtt.dir.path().join(DATA).join(&id);
@ -190,6 +204,22 @@ mod cache {
assert_eq!(content, expected.to_bytes());
async fn store_bad_file() {
let mtt = MTT::new().await;
let msg = "could not write to file";
match mtt.db.add_entry(CacheEntry::Raw("fail".to_string())).await {
Ok(_) => assert!(false, "This test should fail."),
Err(err) => {
assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "data write");
assert!(err.source().is_some(), "Must include the source error.");
let err_msg = err.source().unwrap().to_string();
assert!(err_msg.contains(msg), "'{}' not in '{}'", msg, err_msg);
async fn retrieve_bad_id() {
let mtt = MTT::new().await;
@ -202,7 +232,11 @@ mod cache {
async fn update_cache_entry() {
let mtt = MTT::new().await;
let id = mtt.db.add_entry(CacheEntry::Raw("same".to_string())).await;
let id = mtt
let expected = "different";
.update_entry(&id, CacheEntry::Raw(expected.to_string()))